Rock your Hip Hop with…


Easy Way Out has broken up.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Dreaded Temper

Originally this Blog entry was going to be about Shoeless Mondays and it's benefits to the arduous road that indie bands travel... but through some miscommunication, Easy Way Out are not going to be playing Shoeless Mondays in December anymore. But we will be playing it in the new year, the post will happen, so watch for it.

No, instead, I've decided to blog about a plague on Indie bands the world over.


We all have a boiling point, we all have that little devil sitting on our shoulder whispering little words of destruction whenever we are annoyed or frustrated... yammers on and pulls at your medulla oblongata. Cutting away at the limited grip you have on happiness and contentment until... SNAP!... you begin barking and tearing down those around you.

I am one of the worst offenders. I have a ridiculously short fuse that gets lit randomly and regularly. The control I have over my temper is only as strong as my willingness to keep it at bay. But lately, frustration is holding my control hostage.

Every Indie band struggles to make a name for themselves, to get their music heard and to climb the rock ladder to great heights of success. But every misstep and every stumble aches through your body causing so much nagging pain in your heart and soul that, sometimes, control over one's temper becomes so bruised and abused that the bearer of this pain lashes out at those around them.

Such behaviour can be an incredible burden and strain on the relationships within a band. Often resulting in firings, breakups or plain old fashioned fist-a-cuffs.

I am the luckiest of all front men/co-manager/co-bookers/graphic designers/publisists in the biz. My most recent decent into maniacal anger was met with band mates trying to understand my emotional tirade, attempting to help me rediscover some level of resolve and coaxing my good nature to emerge once again through positive words, threats of laughter and unconditional friendship. Not one member of EWO took anything that was said personally. My gratitude as I write this is an overflowing cup of strength rapidly replenishing my good nature.

Above all else EWO is a family. Brothers who understand each other and who, frequently, cut each other much needed slack. EWO trusts the hearts of each of it's members. No matter what gets said today, each member of the unified whole knows that tomorrow; things will be back to normal and all will be forgiven. I am thankful for this every day.

Next Blog, EWO... Playing a benefit for PeTA? Whaaaaaaaaa?

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